Lise Meitner

Lise Meitner is an Physicst who researched radioactivity and nuclear physics. Born in Vienna, Austria Meitner studied physics and was the second woman to graduate with a PhD degree from the University of Vienna. In 1926, Lise Meitner became the first female physics professor at the University of Berlin where she started her research into nuclear physics. Lise Meitner started working on the new field of radioactivity with Otto Hahn. Together, they discovered a new radioactive element, Protactinium, in 1918. Later on in 1923, Meitner discovered the radiationless effect known as Auger effect, named after a french scientist who discovered the effect two years later. In 1938, Meitner was forced to flee from Austria to Copenhagen because of her Jewish roots. In Copenhagen, Hahn and Meitner met secretly to plan the next round of experiments. These new experiments provided the key evidence for their nuclear fission theory. In February of 1939, Meitner published the theory. In 1944, Hahn was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry for his research into Nuclear Fission but Meitner was ignored. Later on, this mistake was partly rectified when Meitner and Hahn were awarded the Enrico Fermi Award. After her research was completed, Meitner retired to Cambridge, England in 1960 and sadly passed away later on that year on October 27th. Lise Meitner’s accomplishments changed the face of Nuclear Physics, Albert Einstein and many other agree that Lise Meitner is the most significant woman scientist of the 20th century. Recently in 1992, element 109, the heaviest known element in the universe was named Meitnerium (Mt) in her honor.



This week i’m supposed to write about what I’ve improved on in English for the 1st semester.  Here we go….

1. Which parts of AP English III did you tackle successfully in the first semester? What did you do that facilitated your success

This semester, my biggest accomplishment was the overcome my fear of timed writings. They were the death of my last year, and this year I’ve been happier with the time writing.  ( The prompts are so much better).

2. Which parts of AP English III left you feeling only partially successful? Why did you struggle? What will you do in the second semester to improve in these areas?

A goal that I’ve set for myself for next semester is to get better at understanding and analyzing books. I feel like that’s something i didn’t fully do this year. Hopefully, i can start by reading books in advance and paying more attention to the details. I’d like to improve on procrastination, this year i haven’t procrastinated a lot for English but i’d like not procrastinate on ANYTHING next semester.

procrastination resized

A Big Thanks To….

I’d like to start off by saying thanks to the people who love me the most and have done so much for me

Family: You’ve been through thick and thin with me. You’ve put up with my weirdness, and my mood swings and you’ve helped me see things from a different light. Mom you’ve given me motivation and inspiration anytime i needed it. Dad you’re my harshest critic and i’m grateful that you are because you make me notice that sometimes success isn’t defined by getting the perfect score it can also be our failures. You’re the joker of the family and even though you’re timing is NEVER right its great to have a little laugh once in a while. Lastly my brother, i’m really thankful that we get along pretty well, you understand me better than most and you know EXACTLY how to make me laugh and cheer me up.


I’m thankful for all the blessings in my life. Lastly, the small things in life like 24/7 electricity and kindness from people around me I’m VERY thankful for.


Right now, in this moment what’s the most important thing in your life? My answer last year would’ve been school, grades, getting into college. However, this year it changed to happiness, enjoying life, and living life to the fullest. I know that its a cliche answer but in the end that’s all i really want.

I’ve argued with myself numerous times that grades are the most important thing in life, at least right now. But due to recent events I’ve learned that grades should be the least of my worries. For the last ten years my parents drilled into my brain  that success is defined by getting into a great college. But as days have gone by my list of priorities changed and even though many people might disagree with me i believe that you can’t define success as getting into a great college or have a high gpa.

The Weird One

All of my life I’ve been taught to be modest and to never brag about yourself. However, this week I’ve been asked to brag about myself…….So here we go.

The one thing that i just really like about myself is the fact that i’m the weird girl. I don’t fit the stereotype of what a Indian girl should be like. Most of my friends either despise or don’t understand football so when they text me asking if i’m coming to a party. I’ll simply say no, of course not I’m watching the New Orleans Saints play.

Another quality i like is the fact that i try and refrain from judging someone. I don’t let appearances or background taint my perception of the person. After seeing people judge me and people around me i’ve learnt that many mistakes can be made. (i’m not 100% perfect so yes i have judged people sometimes but i try really hard not to). In addition, my versatility to any situation or surrounding is a quality i like about myself. I try and adjust an anything, even if i’m not comfortable i just put a smile on my face and i’ll just see where it’ll lead to.

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My Roots

Its hard to talk about you ancestors and discover your roots when all of the information lies on another continent half way across the world. My parent’s know VERY little about their past and they shared only stories about people i’ve already “known”.

My mom talked about my Great-Grandmother whom I’ve met and got to know really well before she passed away. Her name is Savithramma and she was an opinionated, kind hearted woman. Even when she was 101, she still kept up with politics and ranted about how corrupt the Indian government was. She also tried to be as independent as possible, and she constantly tried to cook and clean up around the house but she always got caught and was stopped. My admiration for my great-grandmother is sky high. Like any other grandparent, she always had the toughest obstacles, faced harsh circumstances. She was also a woman who had an AMAZING sense of humor. She was the joker of our family and all of her descendants certainly got her sense of humor.

On my dad’s side, i know very little about my Great Grandparents. I know they were school teachers who taught math and they lived in a small town called Guddarangavanelly. I’ve met all of my Great Grandparents children and got to know them really well. My favorite, has to be my grandpa’s brother who used to take us everywhere when i was little. He took me to my very first Indian movie in India. I was with him when i encountered a snake and ran away. He was constantly helping others and making sure everyone else around him was happy.

Even thought, i know little about my roots, I’m really happy that i got to meet and know some of my relatives and hopefully next time i go back to India I can find out more about my ancestors.

“I was born by myself but carry the spirit and blood of my father, mother and my ancestors. So i am really never alone. My identity is through that line” – Ziggy Marley 

“The Perks of Being a Wallflower”

I can’t choose. Trust me I tried hard.

Before writing this i sat down and i looked at all my playlists, my most played songs and other statistical information hoping that it would lead my to my ONE  song that impacted me. However, it didn’t and I choose to accept that because I know that i could never have one song that could alter who i am.

So instead of picking a song that changed me, i decided to name and talk about my favorite song from my favorite sound track that showed me a different perspective on life.

I honestly believe that the soundtrack for “The Perks Of Being a Wallflower” completed the movie and helped make the movie a success. What stuck me the most is how it presents good taste as a love letter. A movie which shows the tough, teenage years of self discovery the formation of a unique and personal taste is vital to successfully survive.

My favorite song from the movie is called “Infinite”



We accept the love we think, we deserve
Decisions shape the life we live
Lessons learnedBut things they happen in our lives
And moments come up by surprise
And we must try to move along

Dear friend
I’ve been trying to start over again
But it feels like I’m falling
And I can’t remember why
But I know, I’ll get by
‘Cause in this moment we’re alive
Dear friend

Being happy, being sad
Trying to figure put what’s in my head
These feelings overwhelm my mind, yeah

But feeling sad and feeling blue
Those thoughts are gone when I’m with you
And in this moment we’re infinite

But things they happen in our lives
And moments come up by surprise
And we must try to move along

Dear friend
I’ve been trying to start over again
But it feels like I’m falling
And I can’t remember why
But I know, I’ll get by
‘Cause in this moment we’re alive

Dear friend
I’ve been trying to start over again
But it feels like I’m falling
And things change and friends live
Life doesn’t stop for anybody
But in this moment we are alive

Dear friend
I’ve been trying to start over again
But it feels like I’m falling
And I can’t remember why
But I know, I’ll get by
‘Cause in this moment we’re alive


The singer and songwriter is Arshad. I feel like this song is a letter to every teenager no matter what their life circumstances are. Personally, i feel like this song  “told me” that in the moment i’m alive and to just keep moving forward with my life.


Full Soundtrack:


Seven Banned Books

This past September in  Highland Park ISD parents of High school sophomores argued that seven books in the English curriculum were not appropriate for their children.  They stated that “students should not be exposed to some of the hardships and controversies of adulthood” and the parents succeed in banning seven books from the curriculum.

These “children” who are high school sophomores face some of the “hardships and controversies of adulthood” on a daily basis. From the hallways, classrooms, lunch and the restroom someone is saying a cuss word or talking about inappropriate stuff that at least one time during the day you’ll happen to catch one of these conversations.

Its not unusual to see these references in books and i think the real issue is how the authors talk about and employ these ideas into their book. The parent’s aren’t used to topics so graphic that are plainly stated. In classic books like Romeo and Juliet, there are references to these topics but they are stated discreetly.

I believe that these parents did the wrong thing by banning these books. I think that the English teachers at the high school chose the books because they have enormous value if you decided to look past  the inappropriate content.

Payno Royalty


Maybe I should sleep.

But more Netflix...

A&M Consolidated AP English III

...because knowing stuff is cool.

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